Health, Safety, Environment & Quality
Target Zero Defines Our Approach to HSEQ
We're committed to the health, safety, and wellness of our employees, and we pride ourselves on workplace safety. We track and maintain several key safety metrics, which senior management reviews periodically.
Implemented in 2012, our Target Zero Safety Management System is our global approach to Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality (HSEQ) management and directly supports two Shared Core Values – Safety and Citizenship. Through Target Zero, we ensure that we meet Company objectives, applicable regulations, and client HSEQ requirements.
The Company has health, safety, and environmental (HSE) expectations implemented throughout our global operations that provide a framework and process requirements for developing, implementing, assessing, and improving HSE. Every facility is evaluated at least once every three years to ensure ongoing compliance with these global expectations.
Employees are empowered with Stop Work Authority and equipped with the necessary tools, resources, and training to work safely, protect the environment, and deliver Superior performance. Personal accountability, participation, and employee ownership are vital to the Company's growth, success, and continued HSEQ improvement. We expect safe work performance. Our customers demand it and our families deserve it.
Team members demonstrate their commitment to HSEQ by regularly participating in safety meetings, workplace inspections, incident investigations, and management reviews. Our leaders establish HSEQ goals and objectives, defining roles and responsibilities, and supporting employee participation, communication, and involvement.
HSEQ risks associated with our operations are continually evaluated. Hazards and environmental aspects at Superior facilities and work locations are identified and controls are put in place to ensure associated risks or potential environmental impacts are mitigated to a level that's as low as reasonably practicable. We monitor and measure the effectiveness of our HSEQ Management Systems through regular site safety audits, corporate business unit evaluations, customer audits, and regulatory audits.
Our HSEQ Policy Statement
Our HSEQ Policy Statement outlines our approach to Superior's two most important responsibilities – employee health and safety and protecting the environment.
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